In the near future, we embark on an interstellar colonization mission to a nearby nebula. A newly formed solar system will provide everything necessary for our survival. However, during the journey, we encounter a catastrophic accident. A sudden wave of asteroids rushed through our spaceship, reducing it to mere fragments.
You will play as the only survivor of this accident, crash-landed on an unknown planet. As you struggle to survive, you will also uncover long-forgotten secrets. In this boundless void, we must strive to live.
- OS: 10
- プロセッサー: any
- メモリー: 2 GB RAM
- DirectX: Version 12
- OS: 10
- プロセッサー: any
- メモリー: 2 GB RAM
- DirectX: Version 12
【Windows】: 〇【Mac】: 〇【Linux】: ×