In the heart of a bustling city, in a quiet corner of a certain apartment, there is a small but full of wonders world - a terrarium. This is where a certain hungry agama lives. Take part in the adventures of a lizard who has an unusual passion for bugs.
A 2.5D platform game offering many different worlds (terrariums) filled to the brim with bugs, but also with traps!
Explore the terrarium
- Track down and attack unaware victims by surprise, and if they see you, chase them because they will run away!
- Find the lost eggs hidden in all the terrariums.
- Travel between terrariums through magical vents.
Trailer coming soon.
- 64 ビットプロセッサとオペレーティングシステムが必要です
- 追記事項: TBD
- 64 ビットプロセッサとオペレーティングシステムが必要です
- 追記事項: TBD
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