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AAA Simulator Steam







ジャンル インディー  シミュレーション 
公開日 2025年6月


In AAA simulator, you're the boss! This tycoon roguelike skips all the fluff like knowing your employees and gets straight to the important decisions—like who to fire!

Make Profit to Please Shareholders

All you need to do is satisfy your shareholders so you don’t get fired. If you can’t meet their quarterly profit goal, your run is over.


Consult Experts to Get Multipliers

Your personal network comprises dozens of experts who are the best of the best, and you can unlock more each run. Each one has special abilities that add multipliers to stats like sales, worker productivity, and hype.


Hire and Fire Employees

With the use of a handy slider, you can dial in the perfect number of employees to maximize profit. Are fans getting impatient about your game being in development hell? Hire a bunch of employees for crunch and fire them afterwards!


Manage Events

You can't control the games media, but you can control how you react to them. You get to decide whether each random event merits a hiring or firing, which results in unique consequences. Just be careful—your decisions could lead to other events being added to the pool.


Use Consumables Strategically

Favors let you buff certain employees by their department or individually. Quarterly Bonuses provide permanent boons to your run.


Lose Everything and Start Again

Eventually, you won't be able to keep up with the cycle of infinite profit—that's just the game industry for you! But don't fret, you'll be able to take your golden parachute and get back on your feet in no time. Your next studio awaits, and the network of experts you've unlocked will be there right alongside you.

  • OS: 11
  • プロセッサー: Core i3 6100
  • メモリー: 2 GB RAM
  • グラフィック: OpenGL 3.0 (1280x720)
  • ストレージ: 512 MB の空き容量
  • サウンドカード: Stereo

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