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8-in-1 IQ Scale Bundle Steam







ジャンル インディー 
公開日 2018年1月5日




  • 2-in-1 Fluid Intelligence -
  • 3-in-1 Bundle Brain Trainings -
  • 4-in-1 IQ Scale Bundle -
  • 5-in-1 Bundle Brain Trainings -
  • 6-in-1 IQ Scale Bundle -
注:贈り物を受け取るには、ゲームで少なくとも2時間を費やさなければなりません。 ゲームが返された場合、キーは無効になります。 受信した鍵に関する情報を保存し、定期的にゲームの権利を確認します。 返品後のいつでも、キーは無効にすることができ、新しいキーを受け取ることはできなくなります。 あなたがゲームを再購入したとしても。 すでに払い戻しをしている場合は、キーを無効にする前にゲームをもう一度購入すると贈り物を保存することができます。



何十年もの間、研究者は認知能力を測定するタスクを作成しました。 私たちはこれらのタスクのいくつかを適用し、独自のコグニティブゲームを作成しました。 それはあなたを賢くするでしょう!

機械翻訳。 元の英語テストは以下の通りです

Dual N-Back

トレーニングの結果は、モバイルインテリジェンスを含む他の脳活動を改善することが証明されています。 この効果は多くの科学的研究によって確認された。 「可動性のある情報は、幅広い認知課題にとって重要であり、学習における最も重要な要素の1つと考えられています。 Movable Intelligenceは、以前に獲得した知識にかかわらず、新しい問題を推論し解決する能力を指します。 それは、特に困難な状況において、専門的かつ教育的成功と密接に結びついています。



Complex Working Memory (CWM)

複雑なワーキングメモリ(CWM)は、作業記憶と知性の流動性を向上させる脳トレーニング訓練です。現在の実装はJason M. CheyneとAlexandra B. Morrisonに基づいています。


練習のDecision and Remembering / Recallの部分は、それぞれのタイプによって異なります。


空間CWMの決定段階では、決定を下す必要があります。 (対称的な意味は、その左側が右側部分の鏡映した反射であることを意味します)


単語が訂正されたら、はいボタン(またはキーボードの対応するキー)を押します。そうでない場合は - いいえを押します。

Space Task

個人のエピソード記憶を改善することを目的としたゲーム。 エピソード記憶は、数時間ショッピングした後に複数階建ての駐車場に車を駐車した場所や、数時間前に自宅に鍵を置いた場所などを覚えておく必要がある場合に必要な記憶のタイプです。 それは認知機能の側面の1つです。

Schulte tables

Schulteテーブルは、視覚探索をスピードアップする脳、注意力、集中力を開発するための最も効果的な練習の1つです。 また、この演習はスピード・リーディングの開発のための最も一般的な演習です。 Schulteテーブルは通常、ランダムに配置された数字で構成されています。 テーブル内のセル数も異なります。ほとんどの場合、それらは5x5要素のサイズです。


アナグラムは思考力、発達速度、思考速度を向上させます。 主なものは、ゲームに設定された時間にできるだけ多くの真のアナグラムを見つけることです。

Mental Math



Corsi Block-Tappingはメモリタスクの変形です。最初はDigit Spanタスクに基づいていましたが、Digit Spanとは異なり、Visual Space Memoryを使用する必要があります。
Corsi Block-Tappingタスクのタスクでは、ブロックの順序と場所を覚えておき、各ブロックを順番にクリックする必要があります。タスクは少数のブロックから始まり、徐々に長さが増します。このテストでは、正しいシーケンスの数と最長のシーケンスの両方を測定します。


応答はMSのミリ秒単位で測定されます。 1000ミリ秒~1秒。あまり良くない!

English version

We transform science into delightful games

For decades, researchers have created tasks that measure cognitive abilities. We’ve adapted some of these tasks and made some of our own, creating cognitive games. It makes you smarter!

Dual N-Back

Dual N-Back proven, pass the learning results into another brain activity. This effect has been confirmed by a number of scientific studies.
"Fluid intelligence (Gf) refers to the ability to reason and to solve new problems independently of previously acquired knowledge. Gf is critical for a wide variety of cognitive tasks, and it is considered one of the most important factors in learning. Moreover, Gf is closely related to professional and educational success, especially in complex and demanding environments."

How To Start

The Dual N-Back game field is a square separated to smaller squares with lines (like 3x3 cross-zero game field).
During the game the image is shown in one of the game squares.
Your task is to find a match of the current position of the image to the position shown one (or two) step earlier. If there was a match, press the corresponding match key. Same thing for the auditory letters. Just listen and try to remember the letters from the previous steps.

Tips For Beginners
There are some points you have to know to do the Dual N-Back task right. Here is a short list of tips for you to start:
- do it at least 20 minutes a day (30-40 is better) to have significant results;
- do it at least 5 days a week;
- subvocalizing is bad;
- chunking is not so bad;
- if you get stuck on one level for two or three weeks don't worry, just keep going, but don't forget to:
- push your limits. If you get 80% success rate on the task, move up to the next level. Don't try to stabilize a level you are already doing good. Going out of your comfort zone is the only way to grow.

Real Life Benefits

A lot of people report numerous benefits after doing the N-Back Task, such as:
easier to get a hold of a discussion
better verbal fluency
faster reading with better understanding
better concentration and focus
better dream recall
improvements in piano playing
All these benefits (and there are many others) were taken from the real user feedback on the N-Back task training.

Complex Working Memory (CWM)

Complex Working Memory (CWM) is a brain training exercise that improves working memory and fluid intelligence.
The current implementation is based on the task used for the study "Expanding the mind’s workspace" by Jason M. Cheyne and Alexandra B. Morrison.
In short, the study demonstrates the success in using the CWM task to improve working memory, cognitive control and understanding of what has been read.


The CWM exercise consists of the remembering rounds and the recall stage. The number of the rounds in an exercise equals to the current level of the CWM exercise.
Every round in the CWM exercise consists of two parts: the Decision making part at the beginning and the Remembering part at the end.
There are usually 4 Decision tasks in one round that are followed by an item to Remember. So, for example, it the exercise level is 5 you'll have to remember 5 items in total.
After all rounds passed there is a Recall stage where you have to recall all the remembered items.
There are two types of the CWM Span Task:
Spatial CWM
Verbal CWM
The Decision and Remembering/Recall parts of the exercise are different for each type.

Spatial CWM

On the Decision stage of the Spatial CWM you'll have to make a decision whether the displayed figure is symmetric on the Y axis. (Symmetric means its left part is its mirrored reflection of the right part)

Verbal CWM

On the Decision stage of the Verbal CWM you'll have to make a decision whether the displayed characters form the correct word.
If the word is spelled correctly press the Yes button (or correspondent key on the keyboard). If not - press No.
On the Remembering stage of the Verbal CWM you are shown the alphabet letter. Remember the letter on every round.
On the Recall stage you have to recall the letters in the order they appeared (by clicking the cells in the grid).

Space Task

Game aimed at improving an individual’s episodic memory. Episodic memory is the type of memory required when you have to remember where you parked your car in a multi-storey car park after going shopping for several hours or where you left your keys in home several hours ago, for example. It is one of the facets of cognitive functioning.

Schulte tables

The Schulte table is one of the most effective exercises for developing the brain, attention, concentration, speeding up the visual search. Also this exercise is the most popular exercise for the development of speed reading. Schulte tables usually consist of randomly arranged numbers. The number of cells in the tables is also different and most often they are the size of 5x5 elements.


Anagrams very well develop thinking, speed reading and speed of thought. The main thing is to find as many true anagrams as possible for the time set in the game.

Mental Math

Mental Math is a brain game for testing / improving your mental skill calculations.
We do calculations in the mind and improve your attention, working memory and processing speed.


Exercises Corsi is the implementation of the Corsi Block-Tapping test.
Corsi Block-Tapping is a variant of the memory task. It was originally based on the Digit Span task, but unlike Digit Span, it requires the use of visuo-spatial memory.

The process of the Corsi block tapping task requires the subject to observe the sequence of blocks, and then repeat the sequence back in order. The task starts with a small number of blocks and gradually increases in length up. The test measures both the number of correct sequences and the longest sequence remembered.

This number is known as the Corsi Span, and averages about 5 for normal human subjects. An fMRI study involving subjects undergoing this test revealed that while the sequence length increases, general brain activity remains the same. So while humans may show encoding difficulty, this is not related to overall brain activation. Whether able to perform the task well or not the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex is highly involved. Corsi blocks tasks with a normal forward order requires support from the visuospatial skech pad, but not from the phonological loop. When the sequence to be recalled becomes longer than three or four items, central executive resources are used.


Fastest is a reaction rate test.
Knowing your reaction speed, it can always be compared with other people. This is necessary in order to properly organize their training. If suddenly the reaction rate began to fall, then urgently increase the number of exercises to improve the reaction speed. You may not notice how fast the reaction starts to fall. This often happens with many athletes. Look, a huge number of athletes performed with success, and then somehow slipped unnoticed to bad results. And no one can understand what happened. It seems that the physical form is good, but there are no results.

  • 64 ビットプロセッサとオペレーティングシステムが必要です
  • OS *: Windows 7 x64\x32 or later. Older operating systems are not supported (and do not work).
  • プロセッサー: An Intel Pentium 4
  • メモリー: 512 MB RAM
  • グラフィック: 128 MB
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • ストレージ: 500 MB の空き容量

  • 64 ビットプロセッサとオペレーティングシステムが必要です

【Windows】: 〇【Mac】: 〇【Linux】: 〇