'Member the Alamo? has smooth locomotion and over 100 A.I. enemies at once. You must prevent the enemies from scaling the walls with their ladders which can be physically pushed over, while also monitoring the damage of the fully destructible walls. The odds are overwhelming, but with the help of your A.I. companions you can become a hero of the Texas revolution and be 'Membered for ages. Nothing snooty here, just good old fashioned video gamey fun. That's what Blue Collar Games is all about-- games made by men with calluses on their hands.
- OS: Windows 10
- プロセッサー: Core i5-7500 / Ryzen 5 1600
- メモリー: 8 GB RAM
- グラフィック: Nvidia 1060
- ストレージ: 7 GB の空き容量
- VRサポート: SteamVR or Oculus PC
【Windows】: 〇【Mac】: ×【Linux】: ×