The Age of Wonders, once a time of magic and peace. An age swept into the ravaging gale of chaos by the arrival of a single, uninvited race: the Humans. The fragile balance that existed between the ancient races, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and others, has changed into a struggle for power and survival in the wake of the turmoil the Humans have brought to the land. Prepare for a strategy adventure where you will uncover wondrous ancient artifacts, awesome magical power, and the secrets of a shattered empire. Ally with the forces of light or darkness to determine the fate of the world in the Age of Wonders!
Key features:
- Age of Wonders is a turn-based game combining the best elements of strategy, adventure and role-playing.
- 12 unique fantasy races, over 50 different heroes with upgradable abilities, dozens of spells and scores of locations to explore.
- Employ strategic and tactical skills to command troops in capturing vital locations and defeating enemies.
- Battle your way through vast open lands, breach the outer wall in city sieges and explore deadly dungeons.
- Forge strategic alliances with compatible races to leverage each race's unique skills and abilities.
- Experience captivating single player campaign playable from the light and dark side.
- OS: Windows
- Processor: Intel Pentium 166+ CPU
- Memory: 32MB RAM
- Graphics: DirectX compatible graphic card
- Hard Drive: 350MB hard disk
【Windows】: 〇【Mac】: ×【Linux】: ×