Afterlife Empire was designed and written by Danielle Maiorino, created by Autobotika, published by The Fine Young Capitalists and funded by the gaming community. Enjoy a game with a diverse cast of all different races, religion and creeds funded by Gamergate and /v/
Profits from the game will be given to charity to prevent colon cancer, provide scholarship and awards to up and coming game developers and other projects that show how amazing the gaming community can be.
So stay awhile and create your own Afterlife Empire and see how amazing Gamers and the gaming community can be.
This game was developed with the help of Jeff Preyra and his company Game Nation Inc.
- OS *: Windows 7
- メモリー: 2 GB RAM
- グラフィック: OpenGL Version 3.2
- ストレージ: 400 MB の空き容量
【Windows】: 〇【Mac】: 〇【Linux】: ×