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自由人生模拟 Free Life Simulation Steam







ジャンル カジュアル  インディー  RPG  シミュレーション  ストラテジー 
公開日 2022年12月5日


First note: This is a life simulation game with a high and perfect degree of freedom and perfection
The game offers various features such as genealogy system, gambling, institute, real estate, stock market, pet system, inheritance system, cheating, homosexuality, prison, etc.
Your identity, your genes, your talents are all random; your parents, siblings are all unknown too!
You may wonder about dad's infertility, but how did you get here!
You may look at a friend's date and try to do something about it!
You may have spent a fortune raising your offspring, hoping he'll be the child you had in mind, but instead he chooses to marry and have children with someone he didn't study with!
You may have a large family, ready to inherit the best offspring to start a life of money, only to have a series of accidents because of the uneven division of inheritance!
You may have seen a gangster bullying a little girl and acted bravely and accidentally killed the other side, and was put in jail!
You may be addicted to the fun of "making people", and lead to too many children can not raise and thus destroy the family!
You could be born with soccer talent and then with hard work you could become the next soccer star!
You can also be born with a disease gene and die young!
You could be born into a poor family, but you have a heart that won't give up, and with your hard work you could become a rich man!
You may also be born in a poor family, but then miraculously found that you are the lost children of the rich family years ago, and thus a step to the top!
And so on and so forth ....
Only you can not think of, no developer can not do
Then the game, the player can engage in a variety of real work, of course, the premise is that you have to have the corresponding conditions ~
The game is also a must-have element of "graduate school and university entrance exams"
Here you can make up for the university you did not get into in reality!
"Marriage and children"
Here you can have as many children as you want, as long as you have money! You can train as much as you like!
And all kinds of random events to surprise you!
.... More content developer kakaku will not be introduced one by one, ~ ~ ~
Welcome to join the official QQ group ~ for the game advice, hyped up (not): the
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Free Life Simulation Official 9 Group: 7483 73665

  • プロセッサー: i3 7100
  • メモリー: 1024 MB RAM

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