A Wolf in Autumn is a dark, surreal psychological horror game. It focuses on creating a short engaging horror experience that relies on narrative, pacing, context, and atmosphere rather than jump scares.
Voice acting by Julie Hoverson.
- Puzzles can be solved using real-world logic, often in several different ways.
- A twisting psychological experience using a combination of gameplay interaction and narrative.
- A diverse set of influences, including 'The Sound and The Fury,' 'Silent Hill 2,' and 'Mulholland Drive.'
- Intended to be completed in a single sitting of around 1 hour. It does not feature a save system.
- Deals with potentially disturbing themes.
- Free copy of the full original soundtrack is included
- Designed and optimized to run on the recommended hardware.
- OS *: Windows XP or better
- プロセッサー: Intel i3 or better
- グラフィック: AMD 6870 or equivalent
- DirectX: Version 9.0
【Windows】: 〇【Mac】: ×【Linux】: ×